Friday, May 23, 2008

Squirrel Fiasco

Sunday morning I'm laying in bed when I hear some scurrying on the floor. I figured the cats were playing but after awhile I realized that both cats were staring at the window with the blinds closed. I opened the blinds to find a squirrel hanging on the screen less than 6 inches from my face. Thank god the window was closed!! I hate squirrels; they are the same as rats in my book.
The squirrels took turns jumping on and off of the screen which amused the two cats, the dog, and myself for close to 20 minutes. I thought it was picture worthy.


Anna said...

That is just sooo cool! :) I can totally see why this would interest your cats. Mine would probably jump at the window though...

JuLo said...

Ok, that's a freakin' cool picture!